UP Police Recruitment 2013 computer operator grade-A and programmer grade-2 | http://prpb.up.nic.in | - Jankari Kosh


Saturday, 20 April 2013

UP Police Recruitment 2013 computer operator grade-A and programmer grade-2 | http://prpb.up.nic.in |

UP Police Lucknow are invited application for the post computer operator grade-A and programmer grade-2.candidates can apply on-line application on up police official website.
Name of the Post:-
  1. computer operator grade-A
  2. programmer grade-2
Total No. of the Post:-
  1. computer operator grade-A --2842
  2. programmer grade-2 -- 07
Importants Date:-
  1. Registration start - 13/05/2013
  2. Last date for registration - 12/06/2013
  3. Last Date for application fees - 14/06/2013
  4. Last Date for submit application - 17/06/2013
Pay scale:-
  1. computer operator grade-A  -  5200-20200+grade pay 2400
  2. programmer grade-2  -  9300-34800+grade pay 4600
Application Fees:-  200/-Rs.
Educational Qualification:- 
  1. Intermediate and (DOEACC) computer O level diploma for the post computer operator grade-A
  2. Graduation and (DOEACC) computer O level diploma for the post
    programmer grade-2
 Age Limit:- 18-28 years  for computer operator grade-A and 21-30 year for programmer grade-2 as on 01/07/2013

For more details:- http://prpb.up.nic.in/Documents/VIGGYAPTI-PG_2_A.pdf
UP Police Official Website:- http://prpb.up.nic.in and  http://www.uppbpb.gov.in/

For Notification - click here
For registration - click here
Generate E challan - click here
Submit application form - click here

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