
Thursday, 3 April 2014


The Screening Test will comprise questions from the following areas-
1-Philosophy and Sociology of Education
2-Psychological Foundations of Education
3-Methodology of Educational Research,Measurement and Statistics
4-Educational Technology
5-Educational Guidance
6-History of Indian Education, C ontemporary issues and problems of Education
7-Distance Education
8-Teacher Education
9-School Management and supervision
10-Special Education
11-Population Education
12-Environ mental Education
13-Women's Education
14-Comparative Education.
1-Philosophy / Sociology of Education:-
a-Meaning and nature of Philosophy, Relationship between Education and Philosophy, Need
of Philosophy of Education. Naturalism, Idealism, Pragmatism,Realism, Existentialism and Humanism-views, implications for curriculum, methods, concept of teacher, discipline. Indian Philosophy and related concepts in Vedant, Sankhya, Geeta, Budhism, Jainism & Islamic Traditions. Views of Educational Thinkers-Swami Vivekanand, Raxindra Nath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo,Dr. S. Radhakrishnan & Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya, Rousseau, John Dewey.
b-Meaning, Nature and Scope of Sociology of Education, The society-nature, characteristics. Social Interaction,Social Structure, Social Stratification. Social Change and Education. Culture and role of Education, Socialization and Education. Modernization, Urbanization, Westernization and role of Education, Democracy and Education,Secularism, Socialism & National Integration. Social Control and role of Education.
2-Educational Psychology:Concept of Psychology, its nature.Educational Psychology,Education and Psychology, Methods of Educational Psychology and its use for teachers.
Growth and Development:Concept, principles, and stages of development,characteristic`s of each stage with special reference to cognitive and moral development. Piaget's theory of cognitive development, Kohlberg's theory of Moral development, special features of growth and development of adolescents.Personality:Concept theories-Allport, Cattel and Eysenck, Freud, Maslow, Rogers and Erickson. Assessment of Personality: subjective, objective and projective.
Learning Concept`s, Definition, Theories-Pavlov,Thorndike, Skinner, Hull, Bendura- Criticism and implications.Transfer of Learning, Motivation and learning, Theories of motivation and its educational implications.
Intelligence and Creativity: Intelligence- definitions, theories, and measurement. Gifted, retarted and learning disabled children and their education. Creativity- definitions, assessment and theories. Its relationship with intelligence and fostering of creativity in the
3. Methodology of Educational Research, Measurement and Statistics-
1- Educational Research :- Meaning, Types of Educational Research, Quantitative and Qualitative approaches of Research,Experimental, Descriptive, Historical, Selection of problem, Review of the literature, Hypothesis, Formulation of good hypothesis, Testing of
hypothesis, Sample and Sampling Techniques, Tools and Techniques of data collection; Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Rating Scale.
2- Measures of Central Tendency and dispersion, Normal Probability curve, Skew ness and Kurtosis, Correlation: Rank order and Product Moment, T-Test, F-Test and X2 - test.
3- Concept of educational measurement, Scales of measurement,Norm reference & Criterion reference test, Reliability and Validity,Standardization and construction of a test, Norms, Types of norms,Attitude scale and its types.
4. Educational Technology -Educational Technology- Meaning, nature, Trends of educational Technology, Software, Hard ware and system approach.Programme Learning - Principles, Styles- Linear, Branching and Mathematics, Mastery Learning- concepts, types, planning, Strategies,Personalized system of instruction, Models of teaching, Microteaching,
Flanders Interactions, Communication and its-3-principles. Open and Distance Learning,- concept, definition and characteristics, Educational Radio, Educational Television, Interactive
audio-video programmes, Role of ICT in education, Web- based Learning, Virtual classroom, Use of e-resources in teaching, learning,evaluation and research.
5- Guidance & Counselling
Guidance- concept, principles, needs, types different agencies and tools of guidance.
Counselling- Meaning, needs and types of counselling.
6- History & Problems of Education-
History of Education from Vedic period to Modern period. its specific features and concepts. Development of primary, elementary,secondary, higher and Teacher education and problems.Different Commissions and Committees Reports, New Policy in education, National Curriculum Framework-2005, Committees of education- formation, role and recommendations. Human Right education, Right to education, Role of NCTE, UGC, NCERT, SCERT & SIET.
7- Distance Education- Meaning, concept, needs and role of distance education, Techniques used by Distance education, Open Learning material, Delivery System, Learner support services and evaluation.
8- Teacher Education & Teaching Behaviour:
Teacher Education: Concept, Needs, Objectives and Scope,Preservice and In-service Teacher Education,: IASE, CTE & DIET's role in Teacher Education, Structure of Teacher Education curriculum at Elementary and Secondary Stage.
9- School Management & Supervision:
Meaning and Nature of School Management, Functions of School management, Institutional Planning, Steps. Supervision: Nature and Techniques. Role of Head Master. School Time Table, School Budget,Programme Evaluation, Nature, Steps and Uses.Different agencies of Administration, at Central Level. State Level and District Level/ Local bodies.
1- Meaning and scope of Special Education; Meaning of Universalization of Education as per constitutional provision, NPE-1986, POA 1992 and PWD Act.1995 National Institutes of
Handicapped. RCI. Government policies for disabled persons.
2- Concept of early intervention and Early Identification, main Streaming, inclusive education, integrated education, Resource Room,Resource Teacher, Remedial Teaching.
3- Types of Special Children:- Visually impaired, Hearing impaired,Mentally Retarded, Learning disabled, Gifted Characteristics,educational programme and placement.
11- Population Education
Nature and scope of Population Education. Meaning, Concept,Need and Importance of Population Education, Objectives of Population Education.Population related Policies and Programmes:- Population Policy in relation to health environment Education Policies; Programmes related to Employment social movement, Voluntary and international
agencies. UNFPA, WHO, UNESCO.
Nature, meaning and importance of environmental Education.Education for environmental awareness, attitude change and community development, Ethics and Social responsibility towards environment.
Status of Women Education in India. Education of Women in Ancient India, during Medieval Period and in Modern India- Pre-Independence Period and Post Independence Period.
14-Comparative Education 
Comparative Study of Education systems of Following countries
  • Primary Education- USA, UK, Russia, India.
  • Secondary Education- USA, UK, Russia, India.
  • Higher Education- USA, UK, Russia, India

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