- Definition, Aim and Objectives of Physical Education, Health Education and Recreation.
- Philosophies of Physical Education-Idealism, Naturalism,Realism, Pragmatism, Existentialism, Humanism.
- Benefits of Exercise, Exercise and Well-being and Body types.
- Definition and theories of play, General Principles of Growth and development, principles of Motor skills acquisition, Transfer of Training.
- Role of sports in socialization Process, physical activities and sports as cultural Heritage, role of sports in Globalization process.
- Physical Education in Ancient Greece, Rome, Germany, Sweden,Denmark and Russia.
- Olympic Movement. Historical Development of Ancient and Modern Olympic Games.
- Historical developement of physical Education in India.
- Physiology of Muscular activity, Neurotransmission and Movement Mechanism.
- Physiology of cardio-Respiratory System.
- Energy cost of various Sports Activities.
- Bio-Energetics and energy Process.
- Physiological Factors Influencing sports Performance.
- Athletic Injuries-their Management and Rehabilitation.
- Therapeutic modalities and Massage manipulations.
- Ergogenic Aids and Doping.
- Ageing Process and Exercise
- Joints and their movements-Planes and Axes.
- Kinematics-Liner and angular Motion,Levers and their applications in sports.
- Laws of motion, Principles of Equilibrium and Force, Spin and Elasticity.
- Posture-Deformities and their corrections mechanical.
- Muscular/ mechanical analysis of Motor Movements.
- Mechanical Analysis of basic movements-Running, Walking,Jumping, Throwing, Pulling and Pushing.
- Learning Process-Theories and laws of learning, Factors affecting Motor Learning.
- Motivation-Types, Theories and Dynamics of Motivation in sports.
- Psychological Factors affecting sports performance.
- Personality-Its dimensions theories personality, relationship between personality and performance, traits of Athletic personality.
- Individual differences and sports performance.
- Group Dynamics, Team Cohesion and Leadership in sports.
- Media and sports, Audience behaviour and performance, cognitive process in sports.
- Development of Teacher Education in Physical Education.
- Ethical Values in physical education and sports.
- Principles of curriculum planning.
- Priniciples of classification of pupils for physical activities.
- Health-Guiding principles of Health and Health Education.
- Balanced Diet, Nutrition and Directory manipulation.
- Health Related fitness, Obesity and its management.
- Communicable Diseases-Their preventive and therapeutic aspects.
- School Health programme and personal Hygiene.
- Theories and principles of Recreation.
- Recreation Programme for various categories of pupils.
- Principles and characteristics of sports training.
- Training Load-Its components, super-compensation and adaptation process.
- Process of periodisation.
- Training Methods and specific Training programme for developing various Motor abilities.
- Technique and phases of skill acquisition.
- Strategy and Tactics, various systems of play in team games.
- Short term and Long term training programmes.
- Principles of planning physical activities.
- Talent identification, its process and procedures.
- Types of competitions, special preparations for competitions,psychological preparation.
- Rules of games and sports and their interpretation.
- Nature, scope and types of research, formulation and selection of research problem.
- Sampling-process and techniques.
- Methods of research.
- Data collection–tools and techniques.
- Statistical techniques of data analysis, measures of central tendency and variability, correlation, normal probability curve, t-test, f-test,chi-square, z-test.
- Hypothesis-formulation types and testing.
- Writing research report.
- Application of ICT in physical education and sports.
- Concept of test, Measurement and evaluation.
- Principles of Measurement and evaluation.
- Construction and classification of tests.
- Criteria of test evaluation.Concepts and assessment of physical fitness, motor fitness, motor a bilities and Motor educability.
- Specific skill tests for Badminton, Basketball, Hockey, Lawn-tennis,soccer, Volleyball.
- Testing psychological variables-competition anxiety, aggression,team-cohesion, motivation, self concept.
- Anthropometric measurements and body composition.
- Concept and Principles of management.
- Organizations and Functiono of sports bodies.
- Intramural and Extramural programmes.
- Management of infrastructure, equipments, finance and personnel.
- Methods and techniques of teaching in physical education.
- Principles of planning physical education lessons.
- Pupil-teacher inter-action and relationship.
- Concept of supervision and its techniques.
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