kanpur university syllabus BA (Advertising, Sales Promotion and Sales Management) - Jankari Kosh


Monday, 14 October 2013

kanpur university syllabus BA (Advertising, Sales Promotion and Sales Management)

Syllabus of Advertising, Sales Promotion and Sales Management has been divided into three years with two papers in each year
First year Course(100 Marks)
1-Paper 1- Marketing Communication(40 Marks)
2- Paper2- Advertising I(40 Marks)
Viva-voce (20 Marks)

Second year Course(100 Marks)
1-Paper 1-Advertising II(40 Marks)
2- Paper2- Personal selling and Salesmanship(40 Marks)
Viva-voce (20 Marks)

Third year Course(150 Marks)
1-Paper 1- Management of Sales Force(40 Marks)
2- Paper2- Sales Promotion and Public Relations(40 Marks)
3-Project Research Report 40 Marks (20 Internal + 20 External)

Viva-voce (30 Marks)
B.A/ B.Sc /B.Com PART I

Paper I- Marketing Communication
1. Nature and Importance of communication, Types of Communication, Features and objectives of
2. Communication Process, Elements of the Communication Process, Application of the
Communication process in Marketing, Steps to develop effective Marketing Communication.
3. Marketing Concepts and Evolution (Exchange, Production, Product, Selling and Marketing),
Difference between Marketing and Selling, Marketing as a Social process, Entities of Marketing,
Marketing Myopia, Features and Importance of Marketing and Internet Marketing.
4. Jerome McCarthy’s 4 Ps of Marketing Mix
5. Product- Product Mix, Types of Product, Product Line, New Product Development, Product Life
Cycle, Branding and Packaging.
6. Price – Pricing policies, Methods of Pricing and Pricing Decisions.
7. Place – Types of Channel, Channel decisions, Transportations, Warehousing & Inventory.
8. Promotions – Promotion Mix, Promotion decisions, Difference between different elements of
Promotion mix and their relative importance.
9. Market Segmentation bases: Geographic, Demographic and Psychographic, Segmentation
Strategy (Differentiated Vs Undifferentiated) , Developing a segmentation Strategy.
10. Product Positioning: Strategies and Approaches, Positioning Errors (under Positioning, Over
Positioning and Confused Positioning), Repositioning.
11. Marketing Research Process.
12. Integrated marketing Communication: the target audience, determining objectives, designing
the message, Selecting Communication Channel, Establishing budget, Promotional Tools, Factors
in setting the Marketing Communication Mix and Measuring Results.

1- Definition, Importance and Functions of Advertising.
2- Importance of Advertising in Modern Marketing, Role of Advertising in the National Economy.
3- Types of Advertising: Commercial, Non-commercial, Primary demand and Selective Demand,
Classified and Display advertising, Comparative advertising , Co-operative advertising.
4- PACT and DAGMAR Approaches
5- Setting of Advertising Objectives.
6- Advertising Appeals.
7- Advertising message: Preparing an affective advertising Copy: Elements of a Print Copy: Headlines
illustration, body copy, slogan, logo, seal, role of colour. Elements of Broadcast copy.
8- Advertising Budget: Affordable Method, Per unit Method, Percentage Method, Competitive parity
and Task objective Method. Importance of Budgeting.


1. Advertising media- Types of Media
Print Media (Newspaper & Magazines, Pamphlets, Posters & Brochures),
Electronic Media(Radio, Television , Audio Visual Cassettes), Other Media (Direct Mail,
Outdoor Media), Characteristics, merits &
Demerits of above media, media scenes in India,
2. Problems of reaching in rural audience and markets.
3. Exhibitions & Melas. Press Conference.
4. Media Planning, Selection of Media Category. Their reach, frequency & impact, Cost and
5. Factors influencing the choice of Media.
6. Media Scheduling
7. Evaluation of Advertising effectiveness.
8. Importance and difficulties, Methods of measuring advertising effectiveness, Pre-testing and
Post testing
9. Regulation of advertising in India, Misleading and deceptive advertising & false claims.
10. Advertising Agencies: their role, Functions, Organization and Importance.
1. Nature and importance of Personal Selling and Salesmanship. Where Personal Selling is more
effective than Advertising. Cost of Advertising Vs. Cost of Personal Selling
2. AIDAS model of selling.
3. Types of Sales Persons and Selling situations.
4. Buying Motives.
5. Consumer Behavior: Fundamentals of Consumer Behavior; Factors Influencing Consumer
Behavior – Learning, Motivation Personality, Attitudes, Social Cultural and Situational
Factors; Consumer Decision – making process
6. Qualities of successful salesman with reference to consumer Services.
7. Types of markets: Consumer and Industries markets.
8. Process of effective selling: Prospecting, Pre-approach, Approach Presentation &
demonstration, handling objectives, Closing the sale & post-sale activities.
9. Selling as carrier: advantages & difficulties in this career, Measures for making selling an
attractive career.
10. Distribution network relationship
11. Reports and documents (Sales Manual, Order Book, Cash Memo, Tour Diary, Periodical
12. Marketing Correspondence: Letters related to order, enquiry ,tender, Payment etc


1. Importance of the Sales force and its Management
2. Functions of Sales Manager.
3. Recruitment and Selection.
4. Training and Development.
5. Motivation & Compensation.
6. Appraisal of Performance.
7. Sales force size, Organization of the sales departments Geographic, Product wise, Market
8. Sales Planning - Market analysis & Sales forecasting, Methods of forecasting sales.
9. Sales territory - Consideration in allocation of sales territory.
10. Sales Quota - Objectives, principles of sales quota, administration of sales quota, uses of sales
11. Sales & cost analysis - Uses & Methods.


1. Nature and importance of sales promotion, its role in marketing
2. Forms of sales promotions- Consumer oriented sales promotion; trade oriented sales
promotion & Sales force-oriented sales promotion.
3. Major tools of sales promotion- samples point of purchase, displays & demonstrations,
exhibitions & fashion shows, sales contests & games of chance and skill, lotteries gifts offers,
premium and free goods, price packs, rebates patronage rewards.
4. Conventions, conference & trade shows, specialties and novelties.
5. Developing sales promotion programme, pre-testing implementing, evaluation of results and
making necessary modifications.
6. Public relations-Meaning, features, growing importance, role in marketing, similarities in
publicity and public relations, Major tools of Public Relations- News, speeches, special events,
handouts, and leaflets, audio-visual public service activities, miscellaneous tools.
7. Ethical and legal aspects of sales promotion and public relations.
8. Computer basics: Working in Office package and Internet
PAPER III- Dissertation or Marketing Research Project File

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